43rd! Annual Float-A-Keg -  2024  
Saturday August 31st, Sagamore Island #2


    G    YTbe   eBay   Amzn    Map   TV   TCM  LMI  Vic  RealV   BaT  EcoCal  BarChart    

   StreetEsy  Smug   OpnTbl   Resy  IFTT   Hummers  CC  WF   Craigs   LGClub  Speed  NtnlGrid  HHD

Cams ->   Dock Cam   Gray Cam   Apt Cam   Apt Cam 2   New Dock Cam  House Cam   House2  Up Cam  Old Dock 

            Wake  Gore  WFace  Kill  LGSC 2  Hulet   Fishr  Halls  PkLR PkUp  PkDk Glen  Algon   Log Cam  BrkBrdgCam 

             NY   MilanDuomo   AbbeyRd   FL  Mshd Lk   Mt Kata  Icelnd  Eagle Cam   BostonCam  TNY   TA

Weather -> PK  NYC  Wake   GoreBase  GorePeak  Bear Peak  Burnt Peak  WhiteFace  Westford  EHampton  

                   PKNexAlb   WTEN Rdr    NYVisible   NYVis2  Front  RdrUSA  Social ->  Twt   FBk

                   WTEN  WNYT  SunrisePK  LkLvl   LakeTemp1  LakeTemp2

Music ->   Pandora    YTMsc  Fire   Crypto ->  CoinBase   CMC   Air ->  AAir  United Air

Mail ->      GMail  Hotmail  Ct  LocalNet   XFin   Phone ->  Obi   Vsta  GV  LostPhone  2

Wind ->   Wind 1 - PK Aviation Frcst     Wind 3 - NY Wind Speed    Wind 4 - National  Speed

                Wind 5 - WindCast    Wind 6 - Sail Flow Speed    Wind 7 - LGSC     Wind  9 - 4 Models    Wind 10 - Flows

Info ->    FxNews  ZeroHedge   Drudge  WSJ  SCst   Rosen    2     3

Hotels ->  Palace   Elysee  Omni   Peninsula

Boat ->   Donzi  OSO  SOS  LymanBoat  iBoats   MarineEgn

Banks ->  BA   GFN  EJ  Schwab Citi  EJCC  IB Acct   IBStatus

Rates ->   3mth  6mth  1yr  2yr  10yr  30yr  HY  IG  2y/10y  3m/10y  3m/10yCNBC  1yBE  5yBE  10yBE  ISM  DXY 

Van Halen! ->  NY 5/23/08 "Little Dreamer"    NY 5/23/08 "I'll Wait"    NY "Doctor & Crossroads (Clapton)" at 3:15    Bstn "I'm the One"

IP ->  0.1   1.1    1.200  1.252  1.253  1.254

FAK History

Comments, thoughts, suggestions, hellos....SteveLimbert@hotmail.com
good cookie recipe at the bottom.... 

A Good Day,


And A Classic...


Old Friends We'll Never See Again....


The New Generation Makes an Appearance........(2003)


Johnny Boy........


Ashore at Black Mountain Point........

Chase & Co.......

The Days of the Beloved Bay......

And CORBET'S at Jackson Hole....


Ice Damage 1973....Yikes. Wrecked 1954, 1956, 1965, 1973, 1990, 2004...


Eric at his Prime.......

Look familiar?


Oatmeal chocolate chip cookies:

1 cup soft real butter

1 cup Domino's light brown sugar

1 cup white sugar

2 beaten eggs

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 & 1/2 cups flour

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon baking soda

3 cups Quaker instant oats

2 cups chocolate chips

Mix & Cook at 375 degrees for 12-15 minutes.