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A Pro-Life Apology (It's not what you think)--Secular Anti-Abortion Arguments Summary: Throughout
history many good people have been seduced by bad ideas. Foremost among these is the belief that
human beings may be legally killed during the first nine months of life. The
excerpt at left, unequivocally refuting the pro-“choice” premise, appeared
under "life" in Taber's standard medical reference the same
year abortion was legalized by Supreme Court justices who pretended the
beginning of life was debatable. This
tragic error casts our most noble principles in the light of hypocrisy. Reproduction correctly understood and
defined by Webster's New World Dict. is the "process by which
animals and plants produce new individuals." Fishbein's Illustrated Medical & Health Encyclopedia
'85 defines "conception" (fertilization) as "the beginning of
life for a new individual."
Therefore, abortion cannot be a "reproductive" right,
because it does not prevent reproduction—a process ending at
fertilization with the existence of a new individual but commonly confused
with gestation, which is merely the internal nurturing of that
individual. We accept infants as
persons though they lack definitively human qualities (ex. rationality) and
this precedent demands equal treatment of the unborn. Obsession with sexual freedom and
temptation toward medical exploitation of embryos can blind us to pro-life
logic, but eventually we must face the painful truth about our fatal
discrimination against the unborn, into which so many have been unwittingly
led. Let's find the courage to admit
the facts and pass right-to-life legislation, and teach the rationale behind
it so abortion will no longer be sought as a means to an end; only then will
our laws truly uphold what we all profess to believe in—the value of a single
human life. Sincerely, K. Smith Sources: To use the Taber's
quote above, copy the text here reproduced without italic emphasis, followed
by source citation: "Biologically, unitary life begins at the
moment of conception and ends at death.
However, for legal and other reasons the definition of when life
begins has been subject to a variety of interpretations. Nevertheless, it is
undeniable that life is a continuum which can be arbitrarily but not
logically indicated as having begun at some point in time or development past
the moment of conception."- Taber's Cyclopedic Medical
Dictionary. [entry for "life" pg. L-30] Philadelphia: F. A. Davis Company, 1973. (12th edition) Other Sources: Guralnik, David B., ed.
Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language. New York:
Simon and Schuster, 1984. Fishbein's Illustrated Medical and Health Encyclopedia. Westport, CT: H.S. Stuttman Inc., 1985. Please consider the preceding summary of secular
anti-abortion arguments. Its aim is
to demonstrate that the pro-life philosophy when correctly explained
transcends religious faith and political ideology. We are at a moral and ethical crossroads. The PETA-promoted animal-rights philosophy
of Influential Princeton professor Peter Singer (who defends bestiality and
medical experimentation on disabled humans instead of chimps) advances his
argument for legalized infanticide for children under two via a camouflaged
redefinition of “personhood”--in theory an extended murderous return policy
for parents, and in practice a post-natal philosophical buffer to protect
legalized abortion. It’s a disturbing
issue, especially considering the numbers of aborted unborn children, their
parents, and the friends and families involved. But let's look at ourselves and our loved ones and ask one
fundamental question: Do I really
believe that we were all worthless for the first 9 months of our lives?--that
our living bodies might have been legally destroyed and discarded as medical
waste? What is worse than being
deceived into ending your own child's life, enabled by those you trust and
admire. How sad it would be to realize
at life's end that one's gifts of talent and influence were used on the wrong
side of the most basic human rights debate.
The vaguely phrased "I have the right to choose" is an
unfinished sentence that begs the question.
Correctly define that choice and then ask what we ultimately value. The text
above is from a postcard sent to every member of the U.S. Congress and all
the celebrities who attended or endorsed
the 2004 Washington, D.C. March for Women’s Lives in support of continued
legalized abortion. My intent was to summarize the secular arguments against
abortion in a way that makes the pro-life philosophy relevant to whoever
reads it, regardless of their faith or political ideology. When contacting the members of the
“pro-choice” Celebrity Coalition, I added the introduction below that
addressed responsible use of one’s talent and influence and noted the
PETA-abortion connection.
(Ironically, many actors and musicians who deny rights to the unborn
also aggressively promote animal rights via PETA, an organization that
defends and promotes the animal liberation ethics of Peter Singer, despite
the fact that his philosophy advocates not only abortion, but also legal
killing of newborns and acceptance of sex with animals. PETA truly is a wolf in sheep’s
clothing. [More to come on PETA and
Singer] A Word on “Apology”--A Logic Term with Greek DerivationNote that in titling this web page, the word "apology" is
used in its original sense, which is nearly the opposite of its more familiar
meaning of expressing regret.
Webster's New World Dictionary gives the first definition of “apology”
as "a formal spoken or written defense of some idea, religion,
philosophy, etc."--from the Greek "apologia" ("apo"
meaning "from," plus "logos" meaning "speech"--for
more on the word derivation look up "logic" in a good dictionary
and read the etymology that comes before the definitions). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If You
Already Recognize The Unborn As Vulnerable Human Beings With A Right to
Life, consider these comparative statistics when
deciding what priority this fact should have in deciding your vote each
election year.: For Unborn Children Every Day Is Sept. 11th Approximately 3000 killed
9/11/01 (at World Trade Center
& Pentagon) At least 4000 aborted
each day (in the United States of
America) There will be no peace in the world Until there is peace in the womb The Necessity of
“Pro-Life” as the Logical First Priority: Neither
the age, intelligence, or pain of victims nor the grief caused by their
deaths can be legitimately used to deny a human being’s right-to-life. Therefore, now that the humanity of the
unborn child has been demonstrated, the statistical comparison with September
11th given above is a perfectly valid illustration of the horrific
injustice of abortion. The slaughter
of tens of millions of unborn children demands a reorganization of our own
priorities to support pro-life candidates and organizations. The unborn cannot speak for themselves, so
we must speak for them--nothing is more important, and in terms of sheer
numbers there is no more urgent need to save lives. Cynical politicians deride anyone who selflessly sacrifices for
the sake of principles the elites regard as old-fashioned nebulous ideals--particularly
the absolute value of life and truth.
But it is only when these fundamental ideals are firmly in place that
we have a foundation on which to build the lesser but worthwhile levels of
society and culture. If governments
do anything at all, if they have any reason to justify their existence--they
should protect the most vulnerable human beings from being killed. Yet this is exactly what most of our
politicians consistently, often adamantly and even proudly refuse to do. As
such, there is an urgent need for the people themselves to advance pro-life
values, in whatever way they can, among the general public and
politicians--with the ultimate goal being the full legal protection of the
unborn. Not everyone can be a
pro-life activist in the public arena by making speeches and protesting at
clinics, but we can all be pro-life in
the voting booth, the privacy of which leaves us no excuses. Stay informed about right-to-life issues
by regularly visiting pro-life organizations’ websites -- particularly National Right to Life
Committee which gives
politicians’ voting records and organizes letter writing campaigns to
government officials and representatives.
Please take the time also to read A Pro-Life Argument Against
Anti-Abortion Violence. It is
important that all those in the pro-life movement learn to logically dissuade
the small number of abortion opponents who’ve tragically fallen into the end-justifies-the-means
philosophy practiced by pro-abortionists.
It may be that these few resort to vigilantism because of an error in
logic rather than moral error; it seems they have chosen correct analogies
for the unborn victims of abortion, but are using and acting on a faulty
analogy for the perpetrators of abortion, and the essay linked above explains
this in more detail. This problem
must be specifically addressed in order to correct it--we use logic to persuade
our pro-abortion opponents, we must also use logic to deter that tiny but
destructive minority of anti-abortionists who in their frustration are
tempted to take the law into their own hands. BACK TO TOP |
Click for Intro to Summary “Apology” used and defined (in its original sense) Click here for a
message to pro-choice celebrities, and a few words on PETA and the connection
between abortion and animal rights We can all be pro-life on the one
day each year when our voice is truly heard -- the voting booth A Statistical Perspective
on Pro-Life as a First Priority |