Decoding METAR/TAF
and Temperature & UTC Conversions
Steve Sconfienza, Ph.D.
Airline Transport Pilot
Flight Instructor: Airplane Single and Multiengine; Instrument Airplane
cell: 518.366.3957
Decoding TAFs
Element |
Example(s) |
Explanation |
Type of Report |
ICAO Location Identifier |
K4B0 |
As an example, what a report filed from South Albany would look like |
Date/Time Block |
170955Z |
Issuance time: ALL times in forecast are UTC "Z"
- 2-digit date
- 4-digit time
(no month) |
Valid Period |
1718/1818 |
- beginning 2-digit date
- beginning 2-digit time
- ending 2-digit date
- ending 2-digit time
(no month) |
Wind |
32020KT |
- 3 digit true-north direction, nearest 10 degrees (or VaRiaBle)
- 2-3 digits for speed and unit, KT (KMH or MPS)
- as needed,
- Gust and maximum speed;
- 00000KT for calm;
Prevailing Visibility |
4SM |
in U.S. TAF,
- Statute Miles & fractions
- above 6 miles Plus6SM (i.e., P6SM),
- 4-digit minimum visibility in meters [?] and, as required, lowest value with direction
Significant Present, Forecast and Recent Weather |
see table below (as shown, "thunderstorm and rain") |
Cloud Amount, Height and Type |
OVC010CB |
- Sky Condition:
SKy Clear • 0/8 cloud cover
FEW • >0/8-2/8 cloud cover
SCaTtered • 3/8-4/8 cloud cover
BroKeN • 5/8-7/8 cloud cover
OVerCast • 8/8 cloud cover
- 3-digit height in hundreds of feet
- CumulonimBus (only; cf. METAR)
- Vertical Visibility for obscured sky and height, e.g., "VV004"
- More than 1 layer may be forecast
Non-Convective Low-Level (<=2,000 ft) Wind Shear (In U.S. TAF) |
WS010/31022KT |
- 3-digit height (hundreds of ft)
- "/"
- 3-digit wind direction and 2-3 digit wind speed above the indicated height
- unit, KT
Significant Change |
FM1930 |
- 2-digit hour and 2-digit minute beginning time
- indicates significant change
Each FM starts on a new line, indented 5 spaces. |
Temporary Changes |
TEMPO 1720/1722 |
- temporary condition during 4-digit date & hour beginning and 4-digit date & hour ending time period
- changes expected for less than one hour continuously and, in total, for less than half of the period
Probable Condition |
PROB40 1804/1807 |
- 2-digit percent (30 or 40)
- probable condition during 4-digit date & hour beginning and 4-digit date & hour ending time period
Change Expected |
BECMG 1813/1815 |
- change expected during 4-digit date & hour beginning and 4-digit date & hour ending time period
Decoding METARs
Element |
Example(s) |
Explanation |
Type of Report |
ICAO Location Identifier |
K4B0 |
As an example, what a report filed from South Albany would look like |
Date/Time Block |
170955Z |
Issuance time: ALL times in report are UTC "Z"
- 2-digit date
- 4-digit time
(no month) |
Comments |
CORrected observation or
AUTOmated observation for automated report with no human intervention; omitted when observer logs on |
Wind |
32015G25KT |
- 3 digit true-north direction, nearest 10 degrees or VAR (i.e., VaRiaBle)
- 2-3 digits for speed and unit, KT (KMH or MPS)
- as needed,
- Gust and maximum speed;
- 00000KT for calm;
- if direction varies 60 degrees or more, Variability appended, e.g. 180V260
Prevailing Visibility |
4SM |
in U.S. METAR,
- Statute Miles & fractions
- above 6 miles Plus6SM (i.e., P6SM),
- 4-digit minimum visibility in meters [?] and, as required, lowest value with direction
Runway Visual Range |
R19/2200FT |
- 2-digit runway designator (Left, Center, or Right)
- "/"
- Minus or Plus in U.S METAR
- 4-digit value, FeeT in U.S METAR (usually meters elsewhere); OR
- 4-digit value Varialble 4-digit value (and tendency Down, Up or No change)
Significant Present, Forecast and Recent Weather |
see table below (as shown, "thunderstorm and rain") |
Cloud Amount, Height and Type |
OVC010CB |
- Sky Condition:
SKy Clear • 0/8 cloud cover
FEW • >0/8-2/8 cloud cover
SCaTtered • 3/8-4/8 cloud cover
BroKeN • 5/8-7/8 cloud cover
OVerCast • 8/8 cloud cover
- 3-digit height in hundreds of feet
- Towering CUmulus or CumulonimBus (cf. TAF)
- Vertical Visibility for obscured sky and height, e.g., "VV004"
- More than 1 layer may be forecast
- In automated METAR reports only, CLeaR for "clear below 12,000 feet" (SKC, in manual reports only,
indicates no layers are visible at any altitude)
Temperature: Degrees Celsius |
18/16 |
- First 2 digits, temperature
- "/"
- last 2 digits, dew-point temperature
- Minus for below zero, e.g., M06
See Conversion Utility below |
Altimeter Setting |
A2992 |
Indicator and 4 digits
- in U.S., A = inches and hundredths
- otherwise, Q = hectoPascals, e.g. Q1013
ReMarK indicator & remarks |
RMK AO2 SLP045 T01820159 |
For example,
• "A02" means that the site is automated and HAS a precipitation sensor
"AO1" means there is no precipitation sensor
• Sea-Level Pressure in hectoPascals & tenths (as shown, 1004.5 hPa)
• Temp/dew-point in tenths ° C (as shown, temperature 18.2°C, dew-point 15.9 ° C); negative temperatures expressed as 100 degrees |
Table of Significant Present, Forecast, and Recent Weather
Grouped in categories and used in the order listed below; or as needed in TAF.
NSW — No Significant Weather |
Qualifier: |
Intensity or Proximity |
"-" Light |
"no sign" Moderate |
"+" Heavy |
VC |
— ViCinty: but not a aerodrome; |
— in U.S. METAR between 5 and 10SM of the point(s) of observation;
— in U.S. TAF, 5 to 10SM from center of runway complex (elsewhere within 8000m.
Descriptors |
"MI" | Shallow |
"BC" | Patches |
"PR" | Partial |
"TS" | Thunderstorm |
"BL" | Blowing |
"SH" | Showers |
"DR" | Drifting |
"FZ" | Freezing |
Weather Phenomena |
Precipitation |
"DZ" | Drizzle |
"RA" | Rain |
"SN" | Snow |
"SG" | Snow Grains |
"IC" | Ice Crystals |
"PL" | Ice Pellets |
"GR" | Hail |
"GS" | Small Hail/Snow Pellets |
UP |
Unknown precipitation in automated observations |
Obscuration |
"BR" | Mist (>=5/8SM) |
"FG" | Fog (<5/8SM) |
"FU" | Smoke |
"VA" | Volcanic Ash |
"SA" | Sand |
"HZ" | Haze |
"PY" | Spray |
"DU" | Windspread Dust |
Other |
"SQ" | Squall |
"SS" | Sandstorm |
"DU" | Duststorm |
"PO" | Well developed dust/sand whirls |
"FC" | Funnel Cloud |
"+FC" | Tornado/Waterspout |
| |
- Explanation in parenthese "()" indicates different worldwide practices.
- Ceiling is not specified: defined as the lowest broken or overcast layer, or the verticle visibility.
- NWS TAFs exclude trubulence, icing, & temperature forecasts; MWS METARs exclude trend forecasts.
- Although not used in the U.S., Ceiling And Visibility OK replaces visibility, weather and clouds if:
visibility >=10km;
no cloud below 5000 feet (1500m) or below the highest minimum sector altitude, whichever is greater and no CB;
and no precipitation, TS, DS, SS, MIFG, DRDU, DRSA, or DRSN.
"Key to Aerodrome Forecast (TAF) and Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR),"
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
retrieved 15 October 2012.
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA):
The Federal Meteorological, Handbook No. 1,
Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology,
retrieved 10 March 2014.
World Meteorological Organization (WMO):
- Volume I contains WMO
international codes for meteorological data and other geophysical data relating to meteorology;
it is issued in two volumes:
Volume I.1, containing Part A, and
Volume I.2, containing Parts B and C.
- Volume II contains, for the six WMO Regions and the Antarctic,
the procedures for the use of international code forms
as well as regional code forms and national coding practices, including national code forms.
Types of Automated Systems
Automated Weather Observing System (AWOS)
is a modular system utilizing a central processor that receives input from multiple sensors.
The standard sensor configurations are defined below:
- AWOS A: Dual-pressure sensor measures pressure and reports altimeter setting
- AWOS I: Wind Speed & Wind Gusts in knots, Wind Direction, Variable Wind Direction, Temperature & Dew Point in degrees Celsius, Altimeter Setting, and Density Altitude
- AWOS II: Same as AWOS I plus Visibility, Variable Visibility, Precipitation, Day/Night
- AWOS III: Same as AWOS II plus Cloud Height & Sky Condition
- AWOS III-P: Same as AWOS III plus Present Weather Identification Sensor
- AWOS III-PT: Same as AWOS III plus Present Weather & Lightning Detection
- AWOS III-PTZ: Same as AWOS III plus Present Weather & Lightning Detection, Freezing Rain Detection
Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS)
ASOS generally report all the parameters of the AWOS-III,
while also having the additional capabilities of reporting the following:
- Temperature and Dew point in degrees Fahrenheit
- Present Weather
- Lightning
- Icing
- Sea Level Pressure
- Precipitation Accumulation
Automated Weather Sensor System (AWSS)
AWSS is a follow-on to the FAA's AWOS program.
The reporting characteristics of the AWSS are very similar to those of ASOS, and includes the following components:
- Forward Scatter Visibility Sensor (capable of measuring fog, dust, rain, snow, haze, smoke, and sand)
- Ceilometer
- Present Weather Sensor
- Wind Speed Sensor
- Wind Direction Sensor
- Freezing Rain Sensor (detects an occurrence of freezing rain by the change in the probe tip's oscillating frequency caused by ice accretion)
- Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge: precision sensor used to measure rainfall volume or rate
- Temperature & Relative Humidity Sensor
Specifically as listed in the Airway/Facility Legend
- AWOS Automated Weather Observing System:
- reports altimeter setting (all other information is advisory only).
- reports altimeter and visibility.
- AWOS 1
- reports altimeter setting, wind data and usually temperature, dew point and density altitude.
- AWOS 2
- reports the same as AWOS 1 plus visibility.
- AWOS 3
- reports the same as AWOS 1 plus visibility and cloud/ceiling data.
- reports the same as the AWOS 3 system, plus a precipitation identification sensor.
- reports the same as the AWOS 3 system, plus precipitation identification sensor and a thunderstorm/lightning reporting capability.
- reports the same as AWOS 3 system and includes a thunderstorm/lightning reporting capability.
- AWOS 4
- reports same as AWOS 3 system, plus precipitation occurence, type and accumulation, freezing rain, thunderstorm, and runway surface sensor.
- Automated Surface Observing System. Reports the same as an AWOS 3 plus precipitation identification and intensity, and freezing rain occurrence.
"Automated airport weather station,"
retrieved 15 October 2012.
"Automated Weather Observing System (AWOS),"
All Weather, Inc.,
retrieved 15 October 2012.
The Federal Meteorological Handbook No. 1,
Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology,
retrieved 15 October 2012.
Airway/Facility Directory,
Federal Aviation Administration,
retrieved 15 October 2012.
Temperature Conversions
Type in a value in the Input field;
for output, press <enter>, <tab>,
or mouse-click anywhere outside the input box.
(Actually, if you enter in the output field it works, too.)
[ Notes on Temperature Scales ]
[ All kinds of other converters and calculators ]
UTC Cross Reference
To/From North American & Other United States Time Zones
Time Zone Off-Sets
Notes: |
HI |
Hawaii time |
AK |
Alaska time |
Atlantic Standard time |
* |
The day before UTC |
% |
The day following UTC |
Standard Conversions: |
UTC to |
-5 hours |
(subt\ract 5 hours from UTC for EST) |
-4 hours |
(subtract 4 hours from UTC for EDST) |
EST equals |
-5 hours from UTC |
+7 hours from IDL |
EDST equals |
-4 hours from UTC |
+8 hours from IDL |
UTC equals |
EST +5 hours |
EDST +4 hours |
- IDL - International Date Line
- UTC - Universal Time: also known as GMT [Greenwich Mean Time] or Z [Zulu]
Standard Time |
Daylight Savings |
All U.S. & Canadian Time Zones |
U.S. Contiguous Time Zones |
Guam |
HI |
AK |
Offset → |
+10 |
-10 |
-9 |
-8 |
-7 |
-6 |
-5 |
-4 |
-7 |
-6 |
-5 |
-4 |
12 Mid |
00 |
10 am |
2 pm * |
3 pm * |
4 pm * |
5 pm * |
6 pm * |
7 pm * |
8 pm * |
5 pm * |
6 pm * |
7 pm * |
8 pm * |
1 am |
01 |
11 am |
3 pm * |
4 pm * |
5 pm * |
6 pm * |
7 pm * |
8 pm * |
9 pm * |
6 pm * |
7 pm * |
8 pm * |
9 pm * |
2 am |
02 |
12 Noon |
4 pm * |
5 pm * |
6 pm * |
7 pm * |
8 pm * |
9 pm * |
10 pm * |
7 pm * |
8 pm * |
9 pm * |
10 pm * |
3 am |
03 |
1 pm |
5 pm * |
6 pm * |
7 pm * |
8 pm * |
9 pm * |
10 pm * |
11 pm * |
8 pm * |
9 pm * |
10 pm* |
11 pm * |
4 am |
04 |
2 pm |
6 pm * |
7 pm * |
8 pm * |
9 pm * |
10 pm * |
11 pm * |
12 Mid |
9 pm * |
10 pm * |
11 pm * |
12 Mid |
5 am |
05 |
3 pm |
7 pm * |
8 pm * |
9 pm * |
10 pm * |
11 pm * |
12 Mid |
1 am |
10 pm * |
11 pm * |
12 Mid |
1 am |
6 am |
06 |
4 pm |
8 pm * |
9 pm * |
10 pm * |
11 pm * |
12 Mid |
1 am |
2 am |
11 pm * |
12 Mid |
1 am |
2 am |
7 am |
07 |
5 pm |
9 pm * |
10 pm * |
11 pm * |
12 Mid |
1 am |
2 am |
3 am |
12 Mid |
1 am |
2 am |
3 am |
8 am |
08 |
6 pm |
10 pm * |
11 pm * |
12 Mid |
1 am |
2 am |
3 am |
4 am |
1 am |
2 am |
3 am |
4 am |
9 am |
09 |
7 pm |
11 pm * |
12 Mid |
1 am |
2 am |
3 am |
4 am |
5 am |
2 am |
3 am |
4 am |
5 am |
10 am |
10 |
8 pm |
12 Mid |
1 am |
2 am |
3 am |
4 am |
5 am |
6 am |
3 am |
4 am |
5 am |
6 am |
11 am |
11 |
9 pm |
1 am |
2 am |
3 am |
4 am |
5 am |
6 am |
7 am |
4 am |
5 am |
6 am |
7 am |
12 Noon |
12 |
10 pm |
2 am |
3 am |
4 am |
5 am |
6 am |
7 am |
8 am |
5 am |
6 am |
7 am |
8 am |
1 pm |
13 |
11 pm |
3 am |
4 am |
5 am |
6 am |
7 am |
8 am |
9 am |
6 am |
7 am |
8 am |
9 am |
2 pm |
14 |
12 Mid % |
4 am |
5 am |
6 am |
7 am |
8 am |
9 am |
10 am |
7 am |
8 am |
9 am |
10 am |
3 pm |
15 |
1 am % |
5 am |
6 am |
7 am |
8 am |
9 am |
10 am |
11 am |
8 am |
9 am |
10 am |
11 am |
4 pm |
16 |
2 am % |
6 am |
7 am |
8 am |
9 am |
10 am |
11 am |
12 Noon |
9 am |
10 am |
11 am |
12 Noon |
5 pm |
17 |
3 am % |
7 am |
8 am |
9 am |
10 am |
11 am |
12 Noon |
1 pm |
10 am |
11 am |
12 Noon |
1 pm |
6 pm |
18 |
4 am % |
8 am |
9 am |
10 am |
11 am |
12 Noon |
1 pm |
2 pm |
11 am |
12 Noon |
1 pm |
2 pm |
7 pm |
19 |
5 am % |
9 am |
10 am |
11 am |
12 Noon |
1 pm |
2 pm |
3 pm |
12 Noon |
1 pm |
2 pm |
3 pm |
8 pm |
20 |
6 am % |
10 am |
11 am |
12 Noon |
1 pm |
2 pm |
3 pm |
4 pm |
1 pm |
2 pm |
3 pm |
4 pm |
9 pm |
21 |
7 am % |
11 am |
12 Noon |
1 pm |
2 pm |
3 pm |
4 pm |
5 pm |
2 pm |
3 pm |
4 pm |
5 pm |
10 pm |
22 |
8 am % |
12 Noon |
1 pm |
2 pm |
3 pm |
4 pm |
5 pm |
6 pm |
3 pm |
4 pm |
5 pm |
6 pm |
11 pm |
23 |
9 am % |
1 pm |
2 pm |
3 pm |
4 pm |
5 pm |
6 pm |
7 pm |
4 pm |
5 pm |
6 pm |
7 pm |

5 March 2014
Copyright © 2014
Steve Sconfienza, Ph.D.
All Rights Reserved