Instrument Proficiency Check
Task list from the Instrument Rating: Practical Test Standards
Steve Sconfienza, Ph.D.
Airline Transport Pilot
Flight Instructor: Airplane Single and Multiengine; Instrument Airplane
cell: 518.366.3957
Title 14 CFR, Part 61, Section 61.57(d), sets forth the
requirements for an instrument proficiency check. The person giving that check shall use the standards and
procedures contained in this PTS when administering the check. A
representative number of TASKS, as determined by the examiner/instructor, must be selected to assure the competence
of the applicant to operate in the IFR environment. As a minimum,
the applicant must demonstrate the ability to perform the TASKS as listed below. The person giving the check
should develop a scenario that incorporates as many required tasks as practical to assess the pilot’s
ADM and risk management skills during the
IPC. (Ref.: Instrument Rating:
Practical Test Standards, p. 1-vii.)
For the following list, tasks not required of the IPC are omitted; after each task is the page reference from the
PTS from where the information has been obtained.
III. Air Traffic Control Clearances and Procedures
IV. Flight by Reference to Instruments
- B. Recovery From Unusual Flight Attitudes — p. 1-7
Determine that the applicant:
- Exhibits adequate knowledge of the elements relating to attitude instrument flying during recovery from unusual flight attitudes (both nose-high and nose-low).
- Uses proper instrument cross-check and interpretation, and applies the appropriate pitch, bank, and power corrections in the correct sequence to return the aircraft to a stabilized level flight attitude.
Any intervention by the examiner to prevent the aircraft from exceeding any operating limitations, or entering an unsafe flight condition, shall be disqualifying.
V. Navigation Systems
- A. Intercepting and Tracking Navigational Systems and DME Arcs — p. 1-8
Determine that the applicant:
- Exhibits adequate knowledge of the elements related to intercepting and tracking navigational systems and DME arcs.
- Tunes and correctly identifies the navigation facility.
- Sets and correctly orients the course to be intercepted into the course selector or correctly identifies the course on the RMI.
- Intercepts the specified course at a predetermined angle, inbound or outbound from a navigational facility.
- Maintains the airspeed within ±10 knots, altitude within ±100 feet, and selected headings within ±5°.
- Applies proper correction to maintain a course, allowing no more than 3/4-scale deflection of the CDI or within ±10° in case of an RMI.
- Determines the aircraft position relative to the navigational facility or from a waypoint in the case of GPS.
- Intercepts a DME arc and maintain that arc within +/-1 nautical mile.
- Recognizes navigational receiver or facility failure, and when required, reports the failure to ATC.
- Uses MFD and other graphical navigation displays, if installed, to monitor position, track wind drift, and other parameters to intercept and maintain the desired flightpath.
Any reference to DME arcs, ADF, or GPS shall be disregarded if the aircraft is not equipped with these specified navigational systems.
VI. Instrument Approach Procedures
* TASK D, Circling Approach, is applicable only to the airplane category.
The requirements for conducting a GPS approach
for the purpose of this test are explained on page 8 of the Introduction to the PTS,
the pertinent sections of which follow:
Aircraft and Equipment Required for the Practical Test
The instrument rating applicant is required by 14 CFR part 61 to provide
an airworthy, certificated aircraft for
use during the practical test. It s
operating limitations must not prohibit the TASKS required on te
test. Flight instruments are those required for controlling the
aircraft without outside references.
The required radio equipment is that which is necessary for communications with air traffic control (ATC),
and for the performance of two of the following nonprecision approaches
very high frequency omnidirectional range (VOR),
- nondirectional
beacon (NDB),
- global positioning system (GPS) without vertical
- localizer (LOC),
- localizer-type directional aid (LDA),
- simplified
directional facility (SDF),
- or area navigation (RNAV);
and one precision approach:
- instrument landing system (ILS),
- GNSS landing system (GLS),
localizer performance with vertical guidance (LPV) or
- microwave landing
system (MLS).
GPS equipment must be instrument flight rules (IFR)
certified and contain the current databaes.
Note: A localizer performance with vertical guidance (LPV) approach
with a decision atitude (DA) greater than 300 feet height above terrain (HAT) may be used as a nonprecision approach; however,
due to the
precision of its glidepath and localizer-like lateral navigation
characteristics, an LPV can be used to demonstrate precision approach
proficiency (AOA VI TASK B) if the DA is equal to or less than 300 feet HAT.
. . . . . . . . . .
If the practical test is conducted in the aircraft, and the aircraft has an
operable and properly installed GPS,
the examiner will require and the
applicant must demonstrate GPS approach proficiency. If the applicant
has contracted for training in an approved course that includes GP S
training in the system that is installed
in the airplane/simulator/FTD and
the airplane/simulator/FTD used for the checking/testing has the
system properly installed and operable, the applicant must demonstrate
GPS approach proficiency.
- A. Nonprecision Approach (NPA) — p. 1-9
Determine that the applicant:
- Exhibits adequate knowledge of the elements related to an instrument approach procedure.
- Selects and complies with the appropriate instrument approach procedure to be performed.
- Establishes two-way communications with ATC, as appropriate, to the phase of flight or approach segment, and uses proper communication phraseology and technique.
- Selects, tunes, identifies, and confirms the operational status of navigation equipment to be used for the approach procedure.
- Complies with all clearances issued by ATC or the examiner.
- Recognizes if any flight instrumentation is inaccurate or inoperative, and takes appropriate action.
- Advises ATC or examiner anytime that the aircraft is unable to comply with a clearance.
- Establishes the appropriate aircraft configuration and airspeed considering turbulence and wind shear, and completes the aircraft checklist items appropriate to the phase of the flight.
- Maintains, prior to beginning the final approach segment, altitude within +/-100 feet, heading within +/-10° and allows less than 3/4-scale deflection of the CDI or within +/-10° in the case of an RMI, and maintains airspeed within +/-10 knots.
- Applies the necessary adjustments to the published MDA and visibility criteria for the aircraft approach category when required, such as:
- inoperative aircraft and ground navigation equipment.
- inoperative visual aids associated with the landing environment.
- NWS reporting factors and criteria.
- Establishes a stabilized approach profile with a rate of descent and track that will ensure arrival at the MDA prior to reaching the MAP.
- Allows, while on the final approach segment, no more than a 3/4-scale deflection of the CDI or within 10° in case of an RMI, and maintains airspeed within +/-10 knots of that desired.
- Maintains the MDA, when reached, within +100 feet, -0 feet to the MAP.
- Executes the missed approach procedure when the required visual references for the intended runway are not distinctly visible and identifiable at the MAP.
- Executes a normal landing from a straight-in or circling approach when instructed by the examiner.
- Uses MFD and other graphical navigation displays, if installed, to monitor position, track wind drift and other parameters to maintain desired flightpath.
- Demonstrates an appropriate level of single-pilot resource management skills.
The applicant must accomplish at least two nonprecision approaches (one of which must include a procedure turn or, in the
case of an RNAV approach, a Terminal Arrival Area (TAA) procedure) in simulated or actual instrument conditions. At least one
nonprecision approach must be flown without the use of autopilot and without the assistance of radar vectors. (The yaw damper and
flight director are not considered parts of the autopilot for purpose of this part). If the equipment allows, at least one nonprecision
approach shall be conducted without vertical guidance. The examiner will select nonprecision approaches that are representative
of the type that the applicant is likely to use. The choices must utilize two different types of navigational aids. Some examples of
navigational aids for the purpose of this part are: NDB, VOR, LOC, LDA, SDF, GPS, or RNAV (including LNAV/VNAV and RNP-AR).
- B. Precision Approach (PA) — p. 1-11
Determine that the applicant:
- Exhibits adequate knowledge of the precision instrument approach procedures.
- Accomplishes the appropriate precision instrument approaches as selected by the examiner.
- Establishes two-way communications with ATC using the proper communications phraseology and techniques, as required for the phase of flight or approach segment.
- Complies, in a timely manner, with all clearances, instructions, and procedures.
- Advises ATC anytime that the applicant is unable to comply with a clearance.
- Establishes the appropriate airplane configuration and airspeed/V-speed considering turbulence, wind shear, microburst conditions, or other meteorological and operating conditions.
- Completes the aircraft checklist items appropriate to the phase of flight or approach segment, including engine out approach and landing checklists, if appropriate.
- Prior to beginning the final approach segment, maintains the desired altitude ±100 feet, the desired airspeed within ±10 knots, the desired heading within ±10°; and accurately tracks radials, courses, and bearings.
- Selects, tunes, identifies, and monitors the operational status of ground and airplane navigation equipment used for the approach.
- Applies the necessary adjustments to the published DA/DH and visibility criteria for the airplane approach category as required, such as:
- inoperative airplane and ground navigation equipment.
- inoperative visual aids associated with the landing environment.
- NWS reporting factors and criteria.
- Establishes a predetermined rate of descent at the point where the electronic glideslope begins, which approximates that required for the aircraft to follow the glideslope.
- Maintains a stabilized final approach, from the Final Approach Fix to DA/DH allowing no more than 3/4-scale deflection of either the glideslope or localizer indications and maintains the desired airspeed within +/-10 knots.
- A missed approach or transition to a landing shall be initiated at Decision Height.
- Initiates immediately the missed approach when at the DA/DH, and the required visual references for the runway are not unmistakably visible and identifiable.
- Transitions to a normal landing approach (missed approach for seaplanes) only when the aircraft is in a position from which a descent to a landing on the runway can be made at a normal rate of descent using normal maneuvering.
- Maintains localizer and glideslope within 3/4-scale deflection of the indicators during the visual descent from DA/DH to a point over the runway where glideslope must be abandoned to accomplish a normal landing.
- Uses MFD and other graphical navigation displays, if installed, to monitor position, track wind drift and other parameters to maintain desired flightpath.
- Demonstrates an appropriate level of single-pilot resource management skills.
A precision approach, utilizing aircraft NAVAID equipment for centerline and vertical
guidance, must be accomplished in simulated or actual instrument conditions to DA/DH.
- C. Missed Approach — p. 1-12
Determine that the applicant:
- Exhibits adequate knowledge of the elements related to missed approach procedures associated with standard instrument approaches.
- Initiates the missed approach promptly by applying power, establishing a climb attitude, and reducing drag in accordance with the aircraft manufacturer’s recommendations.
- Reports to ATC beginning the missed approach procedure.
- Complies with the published or alternate missed approach procedure.
- Advises ATC or examiner anytime that the aircraft is unable to comply with a clearance, restriction, or climb gradient.
- Follows the recommended checklist items appropriate to the go-around procedure.
- Requests, if appropriate, ATC clearance to the alternate airport, clearance limit, or as directed by the examiner.
- Maintains the recommended airspeed within ±10 knots; heading, course, or bearing within ±10°; and altitude(s) within ±100 feet during the missed approach procedure.
- Uses MFD and other graphical navigation displays, if installed, to monitor position and track to help navigate the missed approach.
- Demonstrates an appropriate
- D. Circling Approach (*) — p. 1-13
Determine that the applicant:
- Exhibits adequate knowledge of the elements related to a circling approach procedure.
- Selects and complies with the appropriate circling approach procedure considering turbulence and wind shear and considering the maneuvering capabilities of the aircraft.
- Confirms the direction of traffic and adheres to all restrictions and instructions issued by ATC and the examiner.
- Does not exceed the visibility criteria or descend below the appropriate circling altitude until in a position from which a descent to a normal landing can be made.
- Maneuvers the aircraft, after reaching the authorized MDA and maintains that altitude within +100 feet, -0 feet and a flightpath that permits a normal landing on a runway. The runway selected must be such that it requires at least a 90° change of direction, from the final approach course, to align the aircraft for landing.
- Demonstrates an appropriate level of single-pilot resource management skills.
- E. Landing From a Straight-In or Circling Approach — p. 1-14
Determine that the applicant:
- Exhibits adequate knowledge of the elements related to the pilot’s responsibilities, and the environmental, operational, and meteorological factors, which affect a landing from a straight-in or a circling, approach.
- Transitions at the DA/DH, MDA, or VDP to a visual flight condition, allowing for safe visual maneuvering and a normal landing.
- Adheres to all ATC (or examiner) advisories, such as NOTAMs, wind shear, wake turbulence, runway surface, braking conditions, and other operational considerations.
- Completes appropriate checklist items for the prelanding and landing phase.
- Maintains positive aircraft control throughout the complete landing maneuver.
- Demonstrates an appropriate level of single-pilot resource management skills.
VII. Emergency Operations
TASKS B and C are applicable only to multiengine airplanes.
- B. One Engine Inoperative During Straight-and-Level Flight and Turns (Multiengine Airplane) — p. 1-15
Determine that the applicant:
- Exhibits adequate knowledge of the procedures used if engine failure occurs during straight-and-level flight and turns while on instruments.
- Recognizes engine failure simulated by the examiner during straight-and-level flight and turns.
- Sets all engine controls, reduces drag, and identifies and verifies the inoperative engine.
- Establishes the best engine-inoperative airspeed and trims the aircraft.
- Verifies the accomplishment of prescribed checklist procedures for securing the inoperative engine.
- Establishes and maintains the recommended flight attitude, as necessary, for best performance during straight-and-level and turning flight.
- Attempts to determine the reason for the engine failure.
- Monitors all engine control functions and makes necessary adjustments.
- Maintains the specified altitude within ±100 feet, (if within the aircraft’s capability), airspeed within ±10 knots, and the specified heading within ±10°.
- Assesses the aircraft’s performance capability and decides an appropriate action to ensure a safe landing.
- Avoids loss of aircraft control, or attempted flight contrary to the engine-inoperative operating limitations of the aircraft.
- Demonstrates an appropriate level of single-pilot resource management skills.
- C. One Engine Inoperative--Instrument Approach (Multiengine Airplane) — p. 1-16
Determine that the applicant:
- Exhibits adequate knowledge of the elements by explaining the procedures used during an instrument approach in a multiengine aircraft with one engine inoperative.
- Recognizes promptly engine failure simulated by the examiner.
- Sets all engine controls, reduces drag, and identifies and verifies the inoperative engine.
- Establishes the best engine-inoperative airspeed and trims the aircraft.
- Verifies the accomplishment of prescribed checklist procedures for securing the inoperative engine.
- Establishes and maintains the recommended flight attitude and configuration for the best performance for all maneuvering necessary for the instrument approach procedures.
- Attempts to determine the reason for the engine failure.
- Monitors all engine control functions and makes necessary adjustments.
- Requests and receives an actual or a simulated ATC clearance for an instrument approach.
- Follows the actual or a simulated ATC clearance for an instrument approach.
- Establishes a rate of descent that will ensure arrival at the MDA/DH prior to reaching the MAP with the aircraft continuously in a position from which descent to a landing on the intended runway can be made straight in or circling.
- Maintains, where applicable, the specified altitude within +/-100 feet, the airspeed within +/-10 knots if within the aircraft’s capability, and the heading within +/-10°.
- Sets the navigation and communication equipment used during the approach and uses the proper communications technique.
- Avoids loss of aircraft control, or attempted flight contrary to the engine-inoperative operating limitations of the aircraft.
- Uses MFD and other graphical navigation displays, if installed, to monitor position and track to help navigate the approach.
- Complies with the published criteria for the aircraft approach category when circling.
- Allows, while on final approach segment, no more than 3/4-scale deflection of either the localizer or glideslope or GPS indications, or within +/-10° or 3/4-scale deflection of the nonprecision final approach course.
- Completes a safe landing.
- Demonstrates an appropriate level of single-pilot resource management skills.
- D. Approach With Loss of Primary Flight Instrument Indicators — p. 1-17
Determine that the applicant:
- Exhibits adequate knowledge of the elements relating to recognizing if primary flight instruments are inaccurate or inoperative, and advise ATC or the examiner.
- Advises ATC or examiner anytime that the aircraft is unable to comply with a clearance.
- Demonstrates a nonprecision instrument approach without the use of the primary flight instrument using the objectives of the nonprecision approach
- Demonstrates an appropriate level of single-pilot resource management skills.
This approach shall count as one of the required nonprecision approaches.

rev. 1/2015
Copyright © 2015
Steve Sconfienza, Ph.D.
All Rights Reserved