Multiengine Pilot Course of Instruction
Multi Engine Flight Training Curriculum
Steve Sconfienza, Ph.D.
Airline Transport Pilot
Flight Instructor: Airplane Single and Multiengine; Instrument Airplane
cell: 518.366.3957
Students should have experience flying complex single engine airplanes, be familiar with private and commercial pilot flight maneuvers,
and be generally current (as per 14 CFR 61.57(a));
if instrument rated, be strongly familiar with instrument procedures and preferably current
(as per 14 CFR 61.57(c)).
Students who are not current, have not recently practiced flight maneuvers,
or have not qualified in complex/high-performance single engine aircraft (14 CFR 61.31(e) and (f)),
will likely require additional instruction. To meet the skill and knowledge requirements associated with those qualifications,
some of this instruction may be accomplished in a single engine aircraft.
Course Outline
General Course of Multiengine Flight Training
The VFR part of multiengine training consists of the following:
- Normal Operations
- Slow flight
- Stalls
- Power-Off
- Power-On
- Accelerated (Commercial Pilots only)
- Spin Awareness
- Steep turns
- VMC demonstration
- Takeoffs, Landings,and Go-Arounds
- Normal and Crosswind Takeoff and Climb, Approach and Landing
- Short Field Takeoff and Maximum Performance Climb, Approach and Landing
- Go-Arounds
- Emergency Operations
- Engine-out training operations
- Feathering and Restart (may be simulated)
- Zero-Thrust (simulation of feather)
- Engine Failure Enroute (including Approach & Departure)
- Maneuvering with One Engine Inoperative
- Emergency descent
- Engine Failure During Takeoff Before VMC
- Engine Failure After Lift-Off (Simulated)
- Approach and Landing with an Inoperative Engine (Simulated)
- Engine Failure in the Traffic Pattern
Instrument Multiengine Flight Training
Both the Private Pilot Airplane and the Commercial Pilot Airplane PTS require that
an instrument rated multiengine student demonstrate instrument competency as part of the multiengine flight test:
he or she will be required to demonstrate an enroute engine failure and a one engine inoperative approach by reference to instruments
on his or her multiengine flight test.
Both tasks ("Engine Failure During Flight [By Reference to Instruments]" and "Instrument Approach–One Engine Inoperative") are listed as required;
if the applicant does not hold an instrument rating the tasks "need not to be accomplished."
(This eliminates the license issued with the "Multiengine VFR Only" limitation.)
For instrument-rated students, the instrument part of the training will consist of an additional lesson,
which will prepare the student for the enroute engine failure and simulated engine-out approach by reference to instruments
that has to be demonstrated on the flight test.
- In simulated instrument flight:
- Engine out procedures: enroute
- Instrument approaches
- Normal flight conditions (i.e., all engines operative)
- Precision approach[s]
(ILS or
Precision RNAV (GPS)
[LPV or
LNAV/VNAV], typically one approach)
- Non-precision approach[s]
or non-precision RNAV (GPS)
[LP or
LNAV], typically one approach)
- Simulated engine out
- Precision approache[s]
(ILS or
Precision RNAV (GPS)
[LPV or
LNAV/VNAV], typically one to three approaches)
- Non-precision approach[s]
or non-precision RNAV (GPS)
[LP or
LNAV], typically one to three approaches)
- General Instrument Procedures, including
- Radar vectors
- Holds
- Procedure turns
If the instrument-rated student does not have experience in instrument operations in complex single engine airplanes or
is out of currency in his or her instrument skills,
the instrument training must be conducted to bring the student to the standard in the
Private Pilot or Commercial Pilot (as appropriate) PTS.
Lesson 4 will not be considered to be complete and the student will not be advanced to the final review (Lesson 5) and flight test
until the student is proficient in the specified instrument procedures.
If the student does not meet the specified instruments requirements, additional instrument lessons will be necessary.
Note: concerning the description of the approaches, one could fly a PAR approach
for the precision approach or an ASR approach for the non-precision approach, but
those facilities are rare; also, for the non-precision approach, an RNAV (RNP)
approach would be acceptable, but RNAV-equipped aircraft generally available for multiengine flight training are those with
RNAV (GPS) equipment.
Depending on the student's background, the multiengine training will typically require approximately
6 hours of flight training for a VFR multiengine rating and
8 hours for an IFR multiengine rating.
The training typically consists of 4 or 5 flights of 1.5 to 2.5 hours each.
Lesson 1: Normal Operations
- Preflight inspection and cockpit orientation
- Start up, taxi, run up, normal take-off and climb
- Slow flight, clean and flaps down, straight ahead and turns
- Stalls, power on and off, straight ahead and turning
- Steep turns
- VMC demonstration
- Normal traffic pattern
- Normal and short-field takeoffs, and landings
Lesson 2: Emergency Operations (part I)
- Start up, taxi, run up, normal take off and climb
- Engine failure in cruise and at approach speed
- Engine failure in the traffic pattern continuing with engine out (Simulated) landings
Lesson 3: Emergency Operations (part II)
- Engine failure (Simulated) in cruise, troubleshooting procedures:
- Restart checklist
- Securing checklist
- Feathering and Restart after feathering (may be simulated)
- Effects of airspeed and configuration on performance
- Engine failure (Simulated) on takeoff and climbout
- Aborted take offs
Lesson 4 (Instrument-rated students only):
- by Reference to Instruments:
- Basic instrument flight maneuvers
- Engine failure in cruise
- Normal precision approach[s]
- Normal non-precision approach[s]
- Engine-out precision approach[s]
- Engine-out non-precision approach[s]
Lesson 5: Prep for flight test
- Review of all maneuvers and procedures
Typical Training Schedule
(Note: two daily flights is based on scheduling and weather considerations.)
Day 1
Lesson 1
- 2.0 hours ground instruction
- 1.0 hours pre-flight briefing
- 1.5 hours flight instruction
- 1.0 hours post-flight briefing
- 4.5 hours lesson time
Lesson 2
- 0.75 hours pre-flight briefing
- 1.5 to 2.5 hours flight
- 0.75 hours ports-flight briefing
- 3.0 to 4.0 hours lesson time
Day 2
Lesson 3
- 0.75 hours pre-flight briefing
- 1.5 to 2.0 hours flight
- 0.75 hours ports-flight briefing
- 3.0 to 3.5 hours lesson time
Lesson 4 (for instrument-rated students)
- 0.75 hours pre-flight briefing
- 2.0 to 2.5 hours flight
- 0.75 hours ports-flight briefing
- 3.5 to 4.0 hours lesson time
Lesson 5 (for non-instrument-rated students)
- Lesson 5 (for instrument-rated students)
- 2.0 hours pre/post flight briefing
- 1 flight of 1.5 to 2.0 hours
- 0.5 hours practical test processing
- 4.0 to 4.5 hours lesson time
Day 3
Lesson 5 (for instrument-rated students)
- As above for non-instrument-rated students
Flight Test
Flight Test
The following are the Areas of Operation to be examined during the Private Pilot and Commercial Pilot Practical Tests.
Tasks are identified as they are listed in the PTS.
- Area of Operation: Preflight Preparation:
- Task F: Performance and Limitations
- Task G: Operation of Systems
- Task H: Principles of Flight — Engine Inoperative
- Area of Operation: Preflight Procedures:
- Task A: Preflight Inspection
- Task B: Cockpit Management
- Task C: Engine Starting
- Task D: Taxiing
- Task E: N/A (AMES)
- Task F: Runway Incursion Avoidance
- Task G: Before Takeoff Check
- Area of Operation: Takeoffs, Landings,and Go-Arounds
- Task A: Normal and Crosswind Takeoff and Climb
- Task B: Normal and Crosswind Approach and Landing
- Task C: Short Field Takeoff (Confined Area) and Maximum Performance Climb
- Task D: Short-Field (Confined Area) Approach and Landing
- Area of Operation: Performance Maneuver
- Area of Operation: Slow Flight and Stalls
NOTE: This is the commercial pilot test standard:
for the private pilot, accelerated stalls are not required, so Task D for the private pilot is "Spin Awareness," what Task E is for the commercial pilot.
- Task A: Maneuvering During Slow Flight
- Task B: Power-Off Stalls
- Task C: Power-On Stalls
- Task D: Accelerated Stalls
- Task E: Spin Awareness
- Area of Operation: Emergency Operations
- Task A: Emergency Descent
- Task B: Engine Failure During Takeoff Before VMC
- Task C: Engine Failure After Lift-Off (Simulated)
- Task D: Approach and Landing with an Inoperative Engine (Simulated)
- Task E: Systems and Equipment Malfunctions
- Task F: Emergency Equipment and Survival Gear
- Area of Operation: Multiengine Operations
NOTE: If the applicant does not hold an instrument rating airplane,
Tasks C and D need not be accomplished. All other Tasks need to be completed.
- Task A: Maneuvering with One Engine Inoperative
- Task B: VMC Demonstration
- Task C: Engine Failure During Flight (by Reference to Instruments)
- Task D: Instrument Approach and Landing with an Inoperative Engine (Simulated) (by Reference to Instruments)
The private pilot and commercial pilot examinations are performed to their respective standards, as published in their respective Practical Test Standards.
A local designated examiner will be solicited and will be charging the local prevailing rate for the examination.
Weather Requirements
The FAA specifies in the Practical Test Standards that multiengine maneuvers such as stalls and VMC be conducted as to
entail no operation below 3000 feet AGL. Therefore ceilings below 4000 to 5000 feet can cause weather-related delays.
Occasionally — although not frequently — strong winds or turbulence (particularly, in this area, out of the northwest) may make meaningful training difficult;
in fact, cross-wind conditions may exist as to make takeoff and landing hazardous. While it may be possible to fly under such conditions, it can make the learning
process problematic.
The course is based on the FAA's Practical Test Standards (PTSes),
available at
- Private Pilot Airplane Practical Test Standard (FAA-S-8081-14B, Nov. 2011, Changes 1 through 6 (through 2/28/2014))
- Commercial Pilot Airplane Practical Test Standard (FAA-S-8081-12C, Nov. 2011, Changes 1 through 4 (through 7/10/2013))
Students should be familiar with the test standard appropriate to the license sought.

rev. 12/2014
Copyright © 2020
Steve Sconfienza, Ph.D.
All Rights Reserved